The ReImagine ECC Ministerium Online Leadership Event on Friday July 17th is proud to welcome Dr. Christina Edmondson as she leads us in a Anti-racism Dicsipleship Training. Dr. Edmondson is a strategist, Anti-racism advocate, Mediator, educator and trainer. Dr. Edmondson holds a P.H.D in Counseling Psychology from Tennessee State University, a MS from the university of Rochester in Family Therapy, and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Hampton University. She is serving as the Dean of the Intercultural Student Development at Calvin College in Grand Rapids Michigan. To find our more about Dr. Edmondson, please visit: https://www.christinaedmondson.com/
In partnership with the Evangelical Covenant Church's Love Mercy Do Justice Priority Area, the Covenant Ministerium has invited Dr. Edmondson to specifically curate this training as a follow up to the 2019 Anti-racism resolution. The Training will address 1) implicit bias, 2) racism in the nation, the church, and in our denomination, and 3) embodying antiracist convictions/Christian practices. Registration for this portion is required and open from July 8-15th; please visit our events page atwww.covclergy.org/reimagineto register.