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ReImagine ECC Online Ministerium Event Breakouts

The Evangelical Covenant Church's online leadership event ( for ECC clergy and leaders on July 17th will include a special time of Breakouts to foster a time of sharing, peer-resourcing, and connection.

ReImagine will feature over 20 BreakOut Sessions convening from 3:00-3:45 (CST), hosted by fellow clergy and leaders from across our Body on a range of topics. Participants may choose to gather with others in their Regional Conference to get resourced, join a refresh group with other like-minded leaders, join a prayer group, or learn info from Dept. of Develop Leaders or the Mosaic Commission.

Registration for a BreakOut Session is required and open from July 8th-15th; space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Zoom information for those who register will be sent to participants on Thursday, July 16th. Visit our BreakOuts Events page to read the full list of options and to register:

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