Event Registration has now concluded. Special Thanks to Jill Ulven for Registration assistance!
The ReImagine Online Leadership Event is free and is open to all leaders in the ECC (whether formally credentialed or not.) The afternoon portion from 1:30-5:00pm (CST) will be on facebook live (@eccministerium) and does not require any registration; two elements of the day do require registration, the Ongoing Education in the morning with Dr Edmonson, and the optional Break Outs from 3:00-3:45. Note that registration for these two portions is only open from July 8th-15th. Groups will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Zoom information for those who register will be sent to participants on Thursday, July 16th.
Ongoing Education
Registration Required
Dr. Christina Edmondson has curated this training specifically for the Covenant ministerium as a follow up to the 2019 Antiracism Resolution. The training will address 1) implicit bias, 2) racism in the nation, the church, and in our denomination, and 3) embodying antiracist convictions/Christian practices. Spots will be filled on a first come, first-served basis.
Breakout Groups
Registration Required
There are over 20 optional BreakOut Sessions for participants to register to attend, happening from 3:00-3:45pm (CST) during ReImagine. The purpose of these BreakOuts is for participants to be able to meet up with other leaders and get refreshed, share information and ideas, and practice leadership habits in a new and innovative way online in this season.
Where do I pay my dues, or request an exemption from dues?"As clergy you pay dues to your Regional Ministerium Treasurer. Contact your Regional Ministerial (MA) Chair to ask about an exemption for dues. Check your conference site for contact info for these officers - link.
How do I check on my Good Standing, or know if I am eligible to vote at an Annual Meeting?"Members must maintain four requirements to be in Good Standing/eligible to vote. Contact your Regional Chair to be sure your dues have been received by May of that year. Check CovConnect to confirm your Vocational Growth Tool and profile are up to date. Lists of members currently in Good Standing are updated before the Ministerium Annual Business Meeting and maintained by the Department of Develop Leaders. For questions contact ministry@covchurch.org For more info: How to Maintain Good Standing - link
Who do I contact about credentialing questions or help accessing/using CovConnect?ministry@covchurch.org
How do I access clergy support services - such as crisis support, Domestic Violence help, mental health care, financial or benevolent support, or scholarships to events? "Please visit our Resources Page [here], and scroll down to Resources from Develop Leaders for all relevant information.
If I want to contact my Regional Ministerial Association leadership where can I go?Please visit your Conference website, for more information: REGIONAL MINISTERIUM ASSOCIATIONS- AK https://www.alaskacovenant.org/ Canada:https://www.covchurch.ca/ Central: https://www.centralconf.org/ EC: https://eastcoastconf.org/ GL: http://www.greatlakes.cc/ Midsouth: http://www.midsouthcov.org/ Midwest: https://midwestcovenant.org/ NW: https://www.northwestconference.org/ PCNW: http://pacnwc.org/ PCSW: http://www.pswc.org/ SE http://southeastconf.org
If I don’t know who to ask about something where can I go?ministry@covchurch.org is the email for the Dept. of Develop Leaders. You can start here for any questions re Good Standing, Credentialing, the Call Process, etc. - contact your regional Ministerium Chair for any personal needs or questions about dues, where to connect to access resources, etc. - eccministerium@gmail.com is the confidential email address for National Ministerium Officers.